Dream Factory is a business consultancy agency working with ambitious, young, and ethically-minded companies to achieve and exceed their ambitions in the United States. And, as well as quite possibly being your new best friends, Dream Factory is also a state of mind.

All great businesses start with a dream - a belief in possibilities greater than our current reality, and a belief in your unique abilities to bring that dream to fruition. We love dreams. Without them, we would never have the internet, electric vehicles, or rocky road ice cream. Dreams make life worth living. But, we’re also aware that making your business dream become reality is often a much rockier road than you imagine. Especially when it comes to expanding into new markets and cultures.

Expanding your business in the US sounds easy. You’ve built a successful company in Europe, you know the US market is the big next step - “330 million people, they all speak English, it’s the same needs, same culture, same Western ideals… How hard and how different can it be?” 

Well, the truth is… Very. The country may be United in name, but not in demographics. Consumers in New York City are widely different from Upstate New York, the market in Austin is very different from the rest of Texas. The US market is less regulated and more money is spent on advertising meaning 99% of what worked to grow your business in Europe will most likely not work in the US. The marketing budget you made - you can double, triple or quadruple that. Work culture and hierarchy is a whole other challenge. Your American Dream can very quickly become an American Nightmare.

Dream Factory was conceived with the goal of helping companies bridge the gap between success in their domestic markets and success in the United States, and ensure they avoid the common mistakes many businesses make. We have over a decade of experience working with ambitious international clients to expand into American markets. Tailored to your specific needs, we provide practical insight on go-to-market strategies, cultural differences between markets, while consulting on creative strategy, business development, personnel onboarding, and fundraising. 

When we identify a new client who’s ideals and ambitions match our own, we become the essential 12th player on your team. We get involved in your business success as if it was our own, providing an experienced point of view on the unique challenges you may face, and providing you with the tools, connections, and funds to ensure your American Dream becomes a reality.

 So whether you’re a mad genius with a plan, an early-stage startup, or a successful company looking to expand your horizons, please get in touch. Our Dream Factory door is always open.